Who is General Sir Arthur Currie?
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- Canadian citizenship 2
Who was Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?
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- Canadian citizenship 2
Who was Sir Sam Steele?
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- Canadian citizenship 2
Who were the United Empire Loyalists?
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- Canadian citizenship 2
The area of a trapezoid is 0. 5 h (b1 + b2), where h is the altitude, and b1 and b2 are the lengths of the parallel bases. If a trapezoid has an altitude of 15 inches, an area of 105 square inches, and one of the bases 22 inches, what is the perimeter, in inches, of the trapezoid?
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- Math test
Which of the following is equal to √45
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- Math test
If x + 4y = 5 and 5x + 6y = 7, then 3x + 5y = ?
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- Math test
Which integer is nearest to √2100 / √7?
- 1 explanations
- Math test
If a = 3, then 2 / (1/7 + 1/a) = ?
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- Math test
If -3/(a - 3) = 3/(a + 2), then a = ?
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- Math test
|5 - 2| - |6 - 9| = ?
- 1 explanations
- Math test
What is the average of 7/8 and 3/4?
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- Math test
What is XML?
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Which Statement about xml is true?
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How is an empty XML element defined?
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Which syntax is used to insert comments into an XML document?
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What does DTD stand for?
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