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What is found on the flag of Rwanda?
0 explanations
World Geography (difficulty 3)
In which country does the volcano Kilauea grumble?
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World Geography (difficulty 3)
How many seats did the Spitfire fighter plane have?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
How many years did the '21 Year War' between Sweden and Russia last?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
How many pennies were there in a pre decimal pound?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
In which year was the Gunpowder Plot?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What year saw Adolph Hitler committing suicide?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
In which year did JFK get assassinated?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
In what year was the Falkland war?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
In which year did a US-led coalition invade Iraq?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Which country did the USSR invade in 1979?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What was banned in USA in January 1920?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
One of the ancient world wonders, the 'Hanging Gardens', was found in which city?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What was named after a hydrogen bomb test?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Robben Island was a prison near which city?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Iceland and the Uk were caught up in which war?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
King William the Bastard was also known by which other name?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Of which country was Greenland a colony until 1981?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
The patron saint of England is famous for killing which type of creature?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Which animal is not a Chinese year?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 2
William Kemmler, back in 1890, was the first person to be killed using what lethal method?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What was special about Louise Brown, born July 25, 1978 in England?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
During the second world war in Germany it was forbidden to give a horse which name?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What was the first name of the US President known by the nickname JFK?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Which explorer was the first to circumnavigate the globe?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What species were Benjy and Laska, who were sent into space in 1958?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Which European country is ruled by The House of Orange?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What nationality was Roald Amundsen, the first man to reach the South Pole?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
In what industry did John Davidson Rockefeller get rich?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Who was Pakistan's President in 2006?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Which organisation was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1917?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
What was 10th century English king Ethelred's nickname?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Queen Elizabeth I of England was also known by which name?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
King Henry VII of England was a member of which royal house?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Which Swedish motor vehicle manufacturer acquired the Dutch company DAF in the mid-1970s?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
Where did Napoleon Bonaparte suffer his last defeat?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 1)
How many baths did Louis XIV take in his lifetime?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many brothers and sisters did John F. Kennedy have?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many days were there in one week in ancient Roman times?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
Out of every 10 women in Scotland, how many were pregnant on their wedding day, according to a Royal Commission of 1868?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many kings of England have been named Edward?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many people are there in a US Grand Jury?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
An estimated how many Popes have been murdered?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many days was William Harrison President of the United States?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many years were there between the Silver Jubilees of George V and Elizabeth II?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
How many km long was the Berlin Wall?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
For how many years did Queen Victoria reign?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1
In Roman Numerals what does LXX stand for?
0 explanations
World History (difficulty 2) set 1