How long does the light from the sun take to reach the earth?

Bamboo plants can grow how many cm per day?

What is the most common blood group in Europe?

What does a nidoligist study?

Which of these elements is the heaviest?

How many earths would fit inside the sun?

Hypermetropic people are what?

Fredrick Sanger invented which life saver?

Which of the following is a bird AND a fruit?

Which planet has the tallest mountain?

What does the medical term dolent mean?

Which of these is a name of a fish?

What is the only food a cockroach wont eat?

What won't a cockroach eat?

Which planet has the most eccentric orbit?

What is a Flemish Giant?

A 'bind' is a group of what?

Which planet has the most moons?

Which bird has a record 25,000 feathers?

Somatology is the study of what?

Who invented the sub-machine gun in 1920?

Brontophobia is the fear of what?

Which VW auto was not named after a wind?

A Blue Whale has a heart roughly the size of a what?

Anemophobia is the fear of what?

What is the more usual name for Roentgen Rays?

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what is the name ?

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what is the name ?

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באיזה תאריך מתקיים חג הפסח?

Arrange the following events from oldest to most recent. Kett's Rebellion Kazan Rebellion Danzig Rebellion Acaxee Rebellion


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1. ZEIN DA ZUZENA? -Ere esaten du beste gauza bat -Beste gauza bat ere esaten du -Beste gauza bat ere bai esaten du

3. ZEINTZUK DIRA ZUZENAK? Ostegunean euria egingo du: -Bai eta ostiralean ere -Baita ostiralean ere -Ostiralean ere bai -Ere ostiralean -Ostiralean ere, bide beretik -Euria egingo du ere ostiralean

한국의 최초 대통령은 누구입니까?