Similar questions:
The placement of a retentive pin in the
proximal regions of posterior teeth would
MOST likely result in periodontal
ligament perforation in the
mesial of a mandibular first molar.
NDEB released questions set 1
During matrix placement for a Class II
cavity preparation, a wedge is placed to
1. separate the teeth.
2. adapt the matrix to the gingival
3. aid in the creation of a contact.
4. absorb moisture.
(1) (2) (3)
NDEB released questions set 1
During matrix placement for a Class II cavity preparation, a wedge is placed to
1. separate the teeth.
2. adapt the matrix to the gingival margin.
3. aid in the creation of a contact.
4. absorb moisture.
(1) (2) (3)
NDEB released questions set 1
The placement of a retentive pin in the proximal regions of posterior teeth would MOST likely result in periodontal ligament perforation in the
mesial of a mandibular first molarNDEB released questions 2012 online set 1
The placement of a retentive pin in the proximal regions of posterior teeth would MOST likely result in periodontal ligament perforation in the
mesial of a mandibular first molar.NDEB released questions 2012 online set 2
The principal use of the rubber dam during placement of a composite resin restoration is to provide
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Twenty-four hours after placement of a Class II amalgam restoration, a patient returns complaining of discomfort when "biting". There are no other symptoms. It is most likely that the
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One week following the placement of a small, Class II composite resin, the patient returns with pulpitis. The most likely cause is
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The placement of a reverse curve in a Class II amalgam preparation aids in
resistance form.NDEB released questions part 2 set 11
An open proximal contact on an amalgam restoration could have been caused by
1. inadequate wedging.
2. overtightening the matrix band.
3. inadequate condensing forces.
4. simultaneous placement of adjacent proximal restorations.
(1) (2) (3)
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The most common cause of persistent post operative sensitivity following the placement of posterior composite resin restorations is
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A patient complains of sensitivity the day following placement of a conservative posterior composite resin restoration. The most probable cause is
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Excessively dark radiographs will result from
1. underdevelopment.
2. overexposure.
3. backward placement of the film.
4. excessive milliamperage.
(2) and (4)
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With respect to forceps extraction of teeth, which of the following applies (apply)?
1. Beaks should be placed on the root of the tooth.
2. Beaks should be applied parallel to the long axis of the tooth.
3. Beaks should be moved apically during extraction.
4. Poor placement can lead to tooth fracture, slippage and injury to adjacent teeth.
All of the above
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Which of the following should be done prior to pin hole placement in an extensive amalgam preparation?
1. Examine the radiograph.
2. Determine the subgingival anatomic contours.
3. Remove caries and unsupported enamel.
4. Place a pilot hole at the dentinoenamel junction.
(1) (2) (3)
NDEB released questions part 2 set 14
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