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The most likely cause of tooth loss following a tunneling procedure to provide complete access for a mandibular Class III furcation involvement is
root caries.Released Written Exam book 1 2006
A patient experiences pain and some
gingival swelling in the anterior segment
of the mandible. The mandibular lateral
incisor has a shallow restoration, is tender
to percussion and gives a positive
response to the electric pulp tester. There
is some mobility. The most likely
diagnosis is
lateral periodontal abscess.
NDEB released questions set 1
Which of the following statements are true concerning the adult mandible?
1. The mandibular foramen lies in the centre of the mandibular ramus both in the vertical and horizontal planes.
2. The angle formed by the junction of the ramus and the body of the mandible is an acute one.
3. The genial tubercles are attachments for the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles.
4. The temporalis muscle attaches to the lateral surface of the coronoid process.
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In the mandibular first premolar, the occlusal dovetail of an ideal disto-occlusal amalgam preparation is usually not extended into the mesial fossa because of the
prominent transverse ridge.NDEB released questions set 1
A loss of sensation in the lower lip may be produced by
1. Bell's palsy.
2. metastatic malignancy to the body of the mandible.
3. trigeminal neuralgia.
4. fracture in the mandibular first molar region.
(2) and (4)
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Which of the following should be considered when assessing the difficulty of removal of an impacted mandibular third molar?
1. angulation.
2. root width.
3. depth in the alveolus.
4. periodontal ligament space.
All of the above.
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A small, well-circumscribed, periapical radiolucency on a mandibular incisor which is clinically asymptomatic and
responds normally to vitality tests is most likely
periapical cemental dysplasia.
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Between the ages of 6 and 12, the length of the mandibular arch from the permanent left first molar to the permanent right first molar will normally
decrease with the eruption of the premolars.NDEB released questions part 2 set 1
What is the earliest age that the diagnosis of a congenitally missing mandibular second premolar can be confirmed?
4 years.NDEB released questions part 2 set 1
A mandibular central incisor is to be extracted and added to a partial denture. The impression to add a tooth to the denture should be made
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The pulpal floor of an occlusal amalgam preparation on a mandibular first premolar should slope apically from
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The most appropriate time for surgical treatment in a female patient with mandibular prognathism is
after the completion of growthNDEB released questions part 2 set 1
The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the cranium through the
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A well circumscribed 3mm radiolucent lesion is present in the apical region of the mandibular second premolar. The lesion may be
1. a periapical granuloma.
2. a periapical cyst.
3. a chronic periapical abscess.
4. the mental foramen.
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Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for an endodontically treated mandibular first molar with a previously placed MOD amalgam restoration?
Crown.NDEB released questions part 2 set 2
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