What does this sign mean?
Follow detour marker until you return to regular route.
Follow detour marker until you return to regular route.
Closed lane. Adjust speed to merge with traffic in lane indicated by arrow.
Pavement has been milled or grooved. Your vehicle's stopping ability may be affected so obey the speed limit and drive with extra caution. Motorcyclists may experience reduced traction on these surfaces.
You are entering a construction zone. Drive with extra caution and be prepared for a lower speed limit.
Traffic control person ahead. Drive slowly and watch for instructions.
Indicates an upcoming fire truck entrance on the right and vehicles should be prepared to yield to fire trucks entering the roadway.
Indicates an upcoming bus entrance on the right and vehicles should be prepared to yield to buses entering the roadway.
This sign warns you that you are coming to a hidden school bus stop. Slow down, drive with extra caution, watch for children and for a school bus with flashing red lights.
Truck entrance on the right side of the road ahead. If the sign shows the truck on the left, the entrance is on the left side of the road.
Sharp turn or bend in the road in the direction of the arrow. The checkerboard border warns of danger. Slow down, be careful.
Railway crossing ahead. Be alert for trains. This sign also shows the angle at which the railway tracks cross the road.
Underpass ahead. Take care if you are driving a tall vehicle. Sign shows how much room you have.
Divided highway ends: traffic travels in both directions on the same road ahead. Keep to the right-hand road.
Two roads going in the same direction are about to join into one. Drivers on both roads are equally responsible for seeing that traffic merges smoothly and safely.